20 July 2020

The blog that isn't

Looking at my terrible track record at sustaining this, maybe I should rename it to "The Blog that isn't". That way I remove all expectations!

My last post was in 2013 in anticipation of a planned trip to Finland. A lot has happened since then, which, (I hope!), will be the material for the next few posts.

But first, I need to deliver on that promise from way back in 2013.

Was Finland all it was (and still is) cracked up to be?

As always, the answer is complicated. Here is a link to a very brief feedback presentation I made to my school at the time. For more background, also see the articles referred to in my previous blog on this.
Hotel Finn in Helsinki

The trip was a fascinating one. From sharing the flight from Frankfurt to Helsinki with the Finnish band Nightwish to spending two nights in the very quaint Hotel Finn with its ancient elevator to the beauty of the countryside outside Fiskars, it was a wonderful trip.
My lodgings in Fiskars.
I was in the room at the top.

So, what did I learn about the Finnish way of teaching? When you read gushing articles like this one, you expect to be wowed by what you find. But if you read past the sales-pitch language of articles like these, you will see that it is a very common-sense approach: Create an inclusive, safe environment run by highly-trained, professional teachers. And that really is pretty much it. Of course, since that visit, there has also been more research cautioning against the adulation. From the same source as the article above came this one (still with a misleading headline!), urging for a more balanced view. Then, of course, there is the whole underlying debate about what constitutes a good education system, such as this one questioning the validity of the PISA scores. This is not an easy question to answer, and if you are new to the debate, I am afraid you are going to have to read all the referenced articles and more!

The best I can do here is to give a very personal response grounded in my experience in the South African context. What did I find valuable?

  1. Teacher training is paramount. Anyone who has had any experience in our own schools will agree. It does not matter what system you choose to use, if your teachers do not have the basic training and skills to implement that system, it will fail. Teaching is not an easy thing to do. (It took me three years of aimless floundering in the classroom to realise that!). Through various developments (both local and international) over the past few years, the profession has been devalued to the point where even some "teaching experts" will have us believe that with a few mechanistic drills anyone can become a good teacher. This has lead to the stagnation of teacher training and the idea that "if you're not good enough for anything else, become a teacher". The Finns went the complete opposite route and it shows. The calm confidence of the teachers and students that I observed in classrooms showed professionals at work in a space that they have mastered. When you have trained your teachers properly to a high level of competency and professionalism, you can allow them to take full ownership of and responsibility for the learning outcomes. This has a far better chance of long-term success than trying to micro-manage a lot of under-educated individuals to deliver something that they have not mastered themselves yet.
  2. Creating an inclusive space that is child-friendly. This requires some investment in staffing and infrastructure, as well as a view of the child as an entity that is in the process of becoming - not a mini-adult to be equipped for the "world of work". (To that last point: don't fight me yet - it requires a lot of clarification. Material for a following blog entry.) On investing in staff and infrastructure, it is important to note that Finland is not a wealthy country. They are not building state-of-the-art, hi-tech schools. However, they choose where and how to invest their resources very carefully. They made the conscious decision that the available funds will be spent on staff first before anything else.
  3. Diversification. Not all students are expected to follow the same narrowly defined route to senior secondary and tertiary education. See this website for a full breakdown.
What is required for us to emulate at least some of the successes of this system, is the political will and testicular fortitude to (1) fix teacher training, (2) provide good, (basic) infrastructure, (3) focus on and fund what is really important and cut out luxuries, (4) design pathways of success for the different skills required for both the students and the country.

There certainly is a whole lot more to address, but as a brief summary of what I took away, this will have to suffice.

As always, comment and challenge any of the above to get a more in-depth debate going.

14 March 2013

I'm back!

It has been a while. Good intentions only get you so far. Then you get mired in the daily grind. Discipline is the only thing that will keep you going. I preach this to my pupils and then fail miserably myself.

I was strong-armed into revisiting my blog by a series of events. The culmination of which was that I might be visiting Finland in August to see first-hand how they manage to remain at or near the top of the global test results score card. One of my twitter-followers immediately challenged me to blog about my findings, hence the resurrection of Theuns' Homeroom.

Much has been written about the Finnish experiment. I will provide links to two articles at the end of this post, but some factors include well-trained teachers, well-remunerated teachers, well respected teachers - all of which allow the Finnish government and people to expect absolute professionalism from their teachers in return. There is also an emphasis on creating a positive culture of learning and not a culture of testing. For some perspective, read these articles:

And on a more light-hearted note: http://www.cracked.com/article_20321_5-things-it-turns-out-you-were-right-to-hate-about-school.html

More to follow soon.

07 August 2012

It's all about relationships

One of the academic departments at my school went through a bit of a rough patch earlier this year. Some of the teachers were unhappy with the HOD, some of the students were unhappy with one of the teachers. Academic performance was not what it could be, given that all the teachers involved were highly skilled and competent. During the mediation process one common theme emerged: The teachers who felt aggrieved said the the HOD was not accessible enough. The pupils claimed that their teacher "did not know their names". The relationships needed mending.

I was reminded of this when I read Anne Knock's pointers on becoming an innovative school: http://anneknock.com/2012/08/05/becoming-an-innovative-school-my-top-10-ideas/ Point seven on her list confirms a universal truth: Good teaching happens when there is an authentic relationship between teachers and students. In his book "Visible Learning", John Hattie looks at the results of more than 800 studies of achievement in schools. One of the very few really positive predictors of success is the relationship between teacher and pupil. ( http://www.amazon.com/Visible-Learning-Synthesis-Meta-Analyses-Achievement/dp/0415476186 )

Regardless of infrastructure or official policies, the teacher as person can and should create positive, authentic, professional relationships with his or her students. It has been proven to lead to success. But the best part of creating these relationships is that it becomes mutually motivational. When you invest of yourself  in an authentic way, you are also energised by the relationship. We so easily become victims of the "fake pearls before real swine" syndrome (as one of my more cynical colleagues calls it) - that sense of draining yourself through having to give, give, give all the time. Dare to have real educational relationships and both you and the students will benefit.

(I just came across this insightful article about what authentic leadership is: http://www.thoughtleadersllc.com/2012/08/what-makes-a-leader-authentic/ )

05 August 2012

Education vs Teaching

How do we measure success in education? In the US there is a fiery debate at the moment between educational authorities (driven by business models) and educators on how best to achieve good teaching outcomes. To put it simply, government want to use standardised test scores only, most teachers feel that this is a gross oversimplification of what it means to be a good teacher.

Test scores matter. I am in a position where I have to assist pupils to get University placements and I see first hand how doors are slammed shut if the pupil does not achieve academically. We all want properly literate students to leave our schools. How do we achieve this while at the same time producing good citizens who can cope in the world and make a positive contribution to society? These need not be mutually exclusive goals. Watch these interviews for an idea of how to do both:


04 August 2012

Taking the plunge

I am watching the 4 x 100m men's final of the London Olympics while writing this - hence the slightly hackneyed title. I have decided to practise what I've been advocating on the TEACH! Conference page at http://www.facebook.com/TeachConference after being encouraged by this post by Tom Whitby: http://tomwhitby.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/whats-the-big-deal-about-blogging/

So, this will be a blog mostly about education. My views on education, more specifically. I came to teaching by accident after doing a number of other jobs - ranging from driving trucks, to banking, to managing my own restaurant and guest house. I am currently employed at a very good, traditional independent boarding school in South Africa. I am both a teacher and an administrator. For the past two years I have organised the TEACH! Conference. This has necessitated me doing a lot of reading and research on current issues in education - an experience that I have found both exhilirating and frustrating. It has made me acutely aware of the wonderful work that so many teachers are doing despite the obstacles placed in their way by incompetent administrators, lack of funds, lack of status and hare-brained policies. It has also made me aware of the exciting new developments in education that many of us in the profession are missing out on because of being overworked, disconnected or apathetic - all three reasons that can and should be addressed. It has also made me aware of a lot of hype around some of the exciting new developments that might not survive proper scrutiny in the classroom.

These views are my own. You are welcome to differ or agree vociferously.