07 August 2012

It's all about relationships

One of the academic departments at my school went through a bit of a rough patch earlier this year. Some of the teachers were unhappy with the HOD, some of the students were unhappy with one of the teachers. Academic performance was not what it could be, given that all the teachers involved were highly skilled and competent. During the mediation process one common theme emerged: The teachers who felt aggrieved said the the HOD was not accessible enough. The pupils claimed that their teacher "did not know their names". The relationships needed mending.

I was reminded of this when I read Anne Knock's pointers on becoming an innovative school: http://anneknock.com/2012/08/05/becoming-an-innovative-school-my-top-10-ideas/ Point seven on her list confirms a universal truth: Good teaching happens when there is an authentic relationship between teachers and students. In his book "Visible Learning", John Hattie looks at the results of more than 800 studies of achievement in schools. One of the very few really positive predictors of success is the relationship between teacher and pupil. ( http://www.amazon.com/Visible-Learning-Synthesis-Meta-Analyses-Achievement/dp/0415476186 )

Regardless of infrastructure or official policies, the teacher as person can and should create positive, authentic, professional relationships with his or her students. It has been proven to lead to success. But the best part of creating these relationships is that it becomes mutually motivational. When you invest of yourself  in an authentic way, you are also energised by the relationship. We so easily become victims of the "fake pearls before real swine" syndrome (as one of my more cynical colleagues calls it) - that sense of draining yourself through having to give, give, give all the time. Dare to have real educational relationships and both you and the students will benefit.

(I just came across this insightful article about what authentic leadership is: http://www.thoughtleadersllc.com/2012/08/what-makes-a-leader-authentic/ )

05 August 2012

Education vs Teaching

How do we measure success in education? In the US there is a fiery debate at the moment between educational authorities (driven by business models) and educators on how best to achieve good teaching outcomes. To put it simply, government want to use standardised test scores only, most teachers feel that this is a gross oversimplification of what it means to be a good teacher.

Test scores matter. I am in a position where I have to assist pupils to get University placements and I see first hand how doors are slammed shut if the pupil does not achieve academically. We all want properly literate students to leave our schools. How do we achieve this while at the same time producing good citizens who can cope in the world and make a positive contribution to society? These need not be mutually exclusive goals. Watch these interviews for an idea of how to do both:


04 August 2012

Taking the plunge

I am watching the 4 x 100m men's final of the London Olympics while writing this - hence the slightly hackneyed title. I have decided to practise what I've been advocating on the TEACH! Conference page at http://www.facebook.com/TeachConference after being encouraged by this post by Tom Whitby: http://tomwhitby.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/whats-the-big-deal-about-blogging/

So, this will be a blog mostly about education. My views on education, more specifically. I came to teaching by accident after doing a number of other jobs - ranging from driving trucks, to banking, to managing my own restaurant and guest house. I am currently employed at a very good, traditional independent boarding school in South Africa. I am both a teacher and an administrator. For the past two years I have organised the TEACH! Conference. This has necessitated me doing a lot of reading and research on current issues in education - an experience that I have found both exhilirating and frustrating. It has made me acutely aware of the wonderful work that so many teachers are doing despite the obstacles placed in their way by incompetent administrators, lack of funds, lack of status and hare-brained policies. It has also made me aware of the exciting new developments in education that many of us in the profession are missing out on because of being overworked, disconnected or apathetic - all three reasons that can and should be addressed. It has also made me aware of a lot of hype around some of the exciting new developments that might not survive proper scrutiny in the classroom.

These views are my own. You are welcome to differ or agree vociferously.